You are best animator
Please continue to
You are best animator
Please continue to
yes sir Jarvid
The scratched film effect
loops for only 5 frames or so. Great film hilarious.
You didn't cut the voice
It was one take... Improvised obviously
and te rest didn't take much effort
Anime studio is a fucking shit program
Save as swf
I did. the problem is making a pre- loader.
Its funny
But there are some scene errors where you have little frames with the backgrounds opened up, and it flashes them and its annoying. GAH.
But it was kinda funny, a little too much CHAN MEME OLOLOLOLOL. old ones at that.
The end kinda reminded me of this shitty youtube video I made teh most epic mudkip.
For my final parody, I thought I'd go out with a bang and reference everything. ^^ I think most, if not all of the memes I used were classed as "solid", if not, "classic". But if anything most people were turned off by 4chan jokes altogether. :P
Those flickers sure are annoying. Try to blink while they happen. ;)
Thanks for the review.
I have been rocked to the core
Rarely can it be said that a film has defined a genre, but never is that more true than in the case of this film. Since the release of the 2007 epic (which garnered no Academy Award nominations and should named Best Picture), all "clock movies" have been judged by the standards of this one (unfair as the comparison may be). If a film is about Jewish clocks, it's a "Jewish bros. Brawl"; if it's about the Chinese underworld, it's an "Oriental bros. Brawl;"; if it takes place in contemporary times, it's a "modern day bros. brawl."
If this movie was only about cock sucking video game types, it would never have garnered as many accolades. The characteristic that sets this film apart from so many of its predecessors and successors is its ability to weave the often-disparate layers of story into a cohesive whole. Any of the individual issues explored by this film are strong enough to form the foundation of a movie. Here, however, bolstered by so many complimentary themes, each is given added resonance. The picture is a series of mini-orgasm, all building to the orgy at the end.
Rarely does a film tell as many diverse-yet-interconnected stories. Strong performances, solid directing, and a tightly-plotted script all contribute to Grey Clock's success. This motion picture was not slapped together to satiate the appetite of the masses; it was carefully and painstakingly crafted. Every major character - and more than a few minor ones - is molded into a distinct, complex individual. Stereotypes did not influence Coppola's film, although certain ones were formed as a result of it.
Everything was great except...
The voice acting could use some EQing and noise removal. Audacity is free you know. ;P
I remember this well...
It is a good example of how the fanboyz can take something great and original and bury under the top 50. But it was dug up and put on youtube?
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Joined on 6/5/05