View Profile Jarvid
aklk;jsdkljsfdlk;fj aklj a kjasjkl;asdlkj fasd ieour kashj;sdl hjfas the akjlhadsjklfh and I ashd;jklfashd;klfha hacve to jkasal;kshdfaasfkljs jklaasljkaf;f you pe dskljfaklhjfudjk! Pok;js? AAssklsklskklsfor~!! ! **&()(435 jdshksdfkfgjjgk~~~~~ ~~;'l's;k

Age 31, Female

Email man

The center of the moon

Joined on 6/5/05

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5,680 / 5,880
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6.49 votes
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AOL retention manual

Posted by Jarvid - January 30th, 2008

(03:44:55 PM) jarvidy: How can I help you today?
(03:44:55 PM) TOM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHaOs4F BpwE
(03:46:57 PM) jarvidy: yes an attachment for the nes
(03:46:57 PM) TOM <a UTO-REPLY>: I am away from my computer right now.
(03:47:15 PM) TOM: How terrible is that?
(03:48:00 PM) jarvidy: Now why does this make you want to cancel your aol?
(03:48:11 PM) TOM: I don't have AOL
(03:48:16 PM) TOM: Only AIM
(03:48:18 PM) TOM: I think
(03:48:37 PM) jarvidy: Help me understand that more?
(03:48:56 PM) TOM: Understand what?
(03:49:18 PM) jarvidy: Is Aol different than you first though it would be?
(03:49:26 PM) TOM: Don't know
(03:49:30 PM) TOM: I don't use it
(03:49:58 PM) jarvidy: What types of things do you use internet for?
(03:50:05 PM) TOM: Forums and stuff
(03:50:10 PM) TOM: brb
(03:50:14 PM) TOM: sse vid
(03:50:34 PM) jarvidy: What could Aol do to improve your forum going experience?
(03:50:46 PM) TOM: I have no idea
(03:51:38 PM) jarvidy: So I see have no idea why aol is giving you problems, you were probably pressured into cancelling?
(03:51:55 PM) TOM: What are you talking about?
(03:52:04 PM) TOM: I've never used AOL
(03:52:07 PM) TOM: And I think this is a joke
(03:52:59 PM) jarvidy: That makes sense, many people don't believe they are using aol, and i can understand where your are coming from.
(03:54:29 PM) jarvidy: Other tan not knowing that you use aol is there anything else causing you to give up your membership today?
(03:54:51 PM) TOM: The fact that is sucks.
(03:55:51 PM) jarvidy: Between not knowing that you use aol and the fact that it sucks whats the main reason you called today?
(03:56:05 PM) TOM: No other reason
(03:56:07 PM) TOM: Just htose two
(03:56:09 PM) TOM: They were enough
(03:56:25 PM) jarvidy: Earlier you said you liked robots?
(03:56:32 PM) jarvidy: and video games?
(03:56:40 PM) TOM: Errg
(03:56:51 PM) TOM: Why are you still talking about his crap?
(03:57:45 PM) jarvidy: Well AOL partners with robots and video game characters to provide an easy experience with accessing robot information.
(03:57:54 PM) TOM: Ah.
(03:58:00 PM) TOM: This is very interesting information
(03:58:11 PM) jarvidy: I know you will love this because you love ssbb rite?
(03:58:21 PM) TOM: Oh, of course
(03:59:08 PM) jarvidy: You can be the first to obtain brawl and moniter its updates by setting it up in the aol shop and aol homepage settings.
(03:59:24 PM) TOM: Sounds great
(03:59:26 PM) TOM: Let's do that
(04:00:11 PM) jarvidy: Looking at your bill you have paid $14 a month for aol access up till january.
(04:00:32 PM) jarvidy: I can give you an offer of $13.50?
(04:00:39 PM) TOM: Sure.
(04:00:42 PM) TOM: Sign me up.
(04:01:21 PM) jarvidy: Now we have talked about video games and retaining your aol membership.
(04:02:24 PM) jarvidy: As soon as you hang up check out the aol shop channel and look into aol deskba'rs options for displaying smash updates on your taskbar.
(04:03:19 PM) jarvidy: AOL is not liable for any physical harm that occurred to you during this phone call you voluntarily made this call.
(04:03:25 PM) jarvidy: *click*
